Time to get ready for Condura Marathon 2012!

condura marathon 2012 promo

With less than 3 weeks left before this years’ Condura Skyway Marathon 2012, I’m quite sure that everyone is in their last phases of training. Last year we ran for the Dolphin’s, this year I’m sure there will again be thousands who will run for the Mangroves.

Why Run for the Mangroves? -> Click Here

This year I am also proud to announce that Pinoy Fitness is one of the official online media partners of Condura Skyway Marathon, aside from supporting this event thru online and social media, we’ll also be on-site on February 5 to support fellow Pinoy Fitness Runners who will be running in this event, we’ll have a booth on-site where supporters may gather and get to know each other. PF Tech Shirt and the most awaited PF Singlet will also be available onsite!

So for those who still haven’t registered for this run, Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 registration is still ongoing until January 29, 2012, we really want to see you there!

For more information about the event visit – > https://www.conduraskywaymarathon.com


For First Time Marathoners, Time to get Ready! You might want to read our 42K Do’s and Don’ts before the race.

Condura Race Kit Giveaway PROMO:
As one of the official Online Media Partners, we are also giving away 5 Condura Skyway Marathon Race Kits!

1. You must be a follower of Pinoy Fitness! (Follow US now!)
-> https://www.facebook.com/pinoyfitness
-> https://www.twitter.com/pinoyfitness

2. Leave a comment in the blog and Answer the following question:
-> Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

3. Leave your Full Name and Email address and Distance (we will this to contact you)
-> Full Name: (As seen on your valid ID)
-> Email: (multiple email submissions are not allowed)
-> Distance: (3K to 16K only)

4. Share and Tweet: (On your Personal Facebook/Twitter)
-> “WIN Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 Race Kits from Pinoy Fitness! – https://wp.me/pQctC-3pU @pinoyfitness

5. Winners will be selected via Random pick.

Promo will end until January 22 at 11:59PM.


  1. It’s really important to save the Mangroves because it help to our ecosystem and some species, as well! Let’s save Mangroves!

    Mark Paulines
    lihim2010 [@] gmail dot com

  2. I was in Palawan a few weeks ago and got to taste Tamilok, a wood worm that lives inside mangrove trees. Tamilok is usually served ceviche style (raw, marinated in vinegar or any acid) and tastes like oysters and is a reported aphrodisiac. We must save the mangroves so there will be a steady supply of Tamilok so I will always run strong and erect!

    Distance: Five Kilometers
    Shirt: XXL

  3. It is important to save mangroves because they protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land.

    Full Name: Jerome Ervin A Domingo
    Email: jervin.domingo@gmail.com
    Distance: 16K

  4. Like running change my life, i also want to save mangroves for my son, as we know mangroves has many purpose, protect our shorelines, can be a habitat for small aquatic creations, prevents flood. Etc. Too many more to mentions, but im doing my share to save our mangroves, for the younger generation, i want them to see the beauty of nature and enjoy it, nowadays if we dont care for our environment what more our children and the younger generation can experience, so now, till we have time and chance to save our environment not only mangroves, lets do our share for our children and for our mother earth, one way is to support running event with a cause, we are getting fit and healthy at same time we are helping our environment, we can also be a volunteer. Lets run and save nature!

    Full Name: Albert P. Mallorca
    Email Address: albertmallorca@gmail.com
    Distance: 5K

  5. it’s important that we save the mangrove and replace it because Mangroves plays a big role of our Ecosystem, It helps a lot to our Mother Nature & it helps our world to be Balance and away from any danger/accidents like erosion etc. So we Must Protect it , to be able to have good mangroves in the near future =)

    Full Name: Ryan Solis
    Email: ryan_solis16@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5k may do just to be a part of this great event that will benefit our mother nature and to us People.

  6. Mangrove Forest is within ecosystem of Seagrassess, coral reef and wide range of marine ecosystem which benefits many kind of animals. Mangroves also limiting and stabilize erosion, also prevent floods. They say that not only marine ecosystem benefits from Mangrove but also for us Humans like in term of Medicines. As per research Mangroves improve our Environment in many ways such as becoming an Anchor, Food Basket as Air Cleaner and others.

    John Paul Lipardo

  7. Why should we protect mangroves?………..

    Mangroves, admittedly, are not only important but crucial for the coastal areas. Since estuarine areas are highly populated areas, the slightest ecological imbalance will take a heavy toll. They play a vital role in stabilizing these areas. No engineering and technological solutions can be sought for stabilizing these areas. Even if we negate all benefits of mangroves as forests, their value as “protector of shore-line” is enough to convince us for conserving them.

    Marco Orlina

  8. Mangroves live life on the edge. With one foot on land and one in the sea, these botanical amphibians occupy a zone of desiccating heat, choking mud, and salt levels that would kill an ordinary plant within hours. Yet the forests mangroves form are among the most productive and biologically complex ecosystems on Earth. Birds roost in the canopy, shellfish attach themselves to the roots, and snakes and crocodiles come to hunt. Mangroves provide nursery grounds for fish; a food source for monkeys, deer, tree-climbing crabs, even kangaroos; and a nectar source for bats and honeybees.

    Full Name: Edgar L. Puruganan
    Email: system.metric@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16kM

  9. -> Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    = Mangroves serves as a habitat for different animals, purify the water from human wastes and pollutant which the coral reefs are less effected and it also provide structure to the island, while preventing erosion.

    Full Name: Ma. Angeline Joanne Suarez
    Email: ennaojsuarez@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5K

  10. -> Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    it’s important to save mangroves because its part of the nature and it helps to balance the ecosystem.

    -> Full Name: Aron Jae Santos
    -> Email: aron_kelly_steel@yahoo.com
    -> Distance: 10k only

  11. benefits human,our ecosystem to drink clean water,and shore protection.we need clean air to protect our own health.” so we need to protect and save the MANGROVES”

  12. 1.Mangrove extracts are used in indigenous medicine.
    2.The mangroves provide seeds for aquaculture industries.
    3.Mangroves protects the coast from solar UV‐B radiation, 
    ‘green house’ effects, and fury of cyclones, floods, 
    sea level rise, wave action and coastal erosion.
    4.The mangroves provide seeds for aquaculture industries.
    5.Mangrove forests protect all types of coastal 
    communities from the fury of cyclones and storms.
    6.The mangroves provide seeds for aquaculture industries.
    And so much more…

    Edward R. Delos Reyes
    10k distance

  13. It is important to save mangroves because it preserves water quality, reduce pollution by filtering suspended material and assimilating dissolved nutrients and it protects the shoreline from erosion.

    full name: Mendehl Albert A. Minlay

  14. It is important to save mangroves because it preserves water quality, reduce pollution by filtering suspended material and assimilating dissolved nutrients and it protects the shoreline from erosion.

    full name: Mendehl Albert A. Minlay
    email add: dedehlzminlay@gmail.com
    distance: 16k

  15. one importance of mangroves its act as Buffer Zone between the land and sea.
    it protect the coast in soil erosion due of waves, it protect the coral reefs and sea grass against siltation.

    email: qhuincy_17@yahoo.com

    DISTANCE: 16k

  16. mangroves are important in maintaining and building the soil, as a reservoir in the tertiary assimilation of waste, and in the global cycle of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfur.

    Leslie Lim

  17. We just need to SAVE, PROTECT, and GIVE IMPORTANCE to all living things around us. It just like give and take, give some importance to the mangroves and eventually mangroves can provide you some food and protection.

    Full Name: Paul Anthony B. Ocampo
    Email: luap28not@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  18. Mangroves are Land Builders and also the roots of the sea, In Addition Mangroves are the main source of income generation for shoreline communities like people who fish especially for a living so is it important to save the Mangroves.

    Darwind Silao

  19. Mangroves are important because they can be home to many different animals, they can prevent flood, their roots can be home to many animals and they make food for crabs and little creatures.

    Jaime Angeles Jr

  20. we all know mangroves is very important on our environment, it protects our shorelines, prevents flood, serves as habitat for our little aquatic creatures, etc. too many too mentions, i’m doing my share to save our mangroves not only for myself, also for my son, and for all the younger and next generations, i want them to see and enjoy the beauty of nature, nowadays if we still not care not only for mangroves but for our environment, i don’t think there will be still left for tomorrow’s generation, so as RUNNING change my life, i will do my share to save our mangroves for our children’s future, by joining run for a cause like this, we can be fit and healthy and at the same time we are helping to save our mangroves…

    Albert P. Mallorca

  21. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    Because they sustain our diverse flora and fauna species, they protect our coastlines from storms, our shorelines from reduction and our riverbanks from erosion and lastly they absorb pollutants.

    Angelo Hipolito

  22. Why conserve mangroves? simple, for the ultimate benefit of every species in this world. It is a Breeding and nursery grounds for a variety of marine animals, which in turn provides food for everyone.

    Full Name: Cornelio Veluz
    Email: nielveluz@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  23. mangroves are important because it’s protect coastal areas from erosion,storm surge and tsunamis. it is also provide a habitat for some species like fish and other living organisms that live in water, and it may improve our environment from global warming.

    full name:nico gioj costa
    e-mail: costanicogioj@yahoo.com
    distance: 16k

  24. –> it is important to save the Mangroves because their value as “protector of shore-line” is enough to convince us for conserving them… :)

    >Rio Jean Sanchez
    >16km :)

  25. In a few years I may be gone from this earth, but the mangroves will still be there for my children and the next generations after. This will be my timeless legacy to them. I want to join this run and tell my kid, he can also leave a lasting gift to his children by taking care of the mangroves my generation left for them.



  26. Mangroves provide benefits which have not yet been measured in monetary terms within the Philippine context. These include disturbance regulation including natural processes such as stabilizing land from erosion, preventing floods and absorbing organic wastes. More Mangroves, more fun in the Philippines!! yehey! :)

    Name: Franklyn Das
    Email: franklyndas@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  27. The mangrove is a distinct saline woodland or shrubland habitat a depositional coastal environments. Their capacity to limit high-energy wave erosion to events such as storm surges and tsunamis.

    Full Name: Neil Broncano
    Email: neil_broncano@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  28. It is important to save mangrove because its root systems provide a filtering system for run-off from the guts of our islands, allowing the sediments to be removed before entering open water. This sediment would otherwise cover and kill coral reef colonies. The mangrove swamp is regularly inundated with salty seawater, but the trees are never fully submerged. With each high tide, the soil surface is covered and the soil often becomes waterlogged. The soil may also be shifted by the waves.

    Mangrove swamps protect the land from soil erosion and the effects of storms. They also act as a form of pollution control, naturally filtering out industrial and human waste. Mangrove swamps, like other wetlands, are important components of the water cycle, absorbing excess water flow during times of flooding.

    Full Name: wilnar iglesia
    Email: simply_wilnar@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  29. Mangroves are important because aside from helping our country from wide sources of fish production(esp. bangus), it is capable of absorbing pollutants coming from the soil and also serves as a protective barrier strong enough to break strong wind and waves’ impact. :)

    Full_name: Honeybelle Arevalo
    Email: honeyarevalo@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5k

  30. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    Mangroves, admittedly, are not only important but crucial for the coastal areas. Since estuarine areas are highly populated areas, the slightest ecological imbalance will take a heavy toll. They play a vital role in stabilizing these areas. No engineering and technological solutions can be sought for stabilizing these areas. Even if we negate all benefits of mangroves as forests, their value as “protector of shore-line” is enough to convince us for conserving them.

    -> Full Name: Gilbert L. San Jose
    -> Email: gilbert_1304@yahoo.com
    -> Distance: 16k

  31. why save mangroves?…
    because it helps a lot in terms of helping the environment..why because it protects the shore of the lagoons and the estuaries from storm waves and erosion…

    name: Gilbert B. Arqueza
    email: gilbert.arqueza@yahoo.com
    distance: 10K

  32. Mangrove root systems provide a filtering system for run-off from the guts of our islands, allowing the sediments to be removed before entering open water. This sediment would otherwise cover and kill coral reef colonies. The mangrove swamp is regularly inundated with salty seawater, but the trees are never fully submerged. With each high tide, the soil surface is covered and the soil often becomes waterlogged. The soil may also be shifted by the waves. So let`s save and protect our mangroves!

    Full Name: Thom Soliven
    Email: thomsoliven@hotmail.ph

  33. Mangroves are important to the ecosystem because this is where a variety of species hang out, fish, small crabs. They also prevent erosion by stabilising sediment with their breathing roots.

    Full Name: Melanie C. Intalan
    Email: nie048@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16K

  34. Mangrove wetlands provide breeding, nursery and feeding areas for a great variety of life, including endangered and threatened species.
    Mangroves also filter upland run off.
    Mangroves buffer wave action during intense tropical storms (including hurricanes).
    Mangroves hold soil during periods of heavy precipitation stabilizing shoreline sediments.

    Full Name: John Emmanuel Tero
    Email: johnemmanuel_t@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  35. It’s simple. The most obvious and definitive reason is that because they sustain life. That alone, is impetus. Besides, we won’t have a society if we destroy or fail to preserve the environment.

    Emil Emmanuel Estilo

  36. I believe this campaign has a very important part in our world not only in the Philippines. Mangroves provide us our needs and I think it’s about time that we provide what they need from us. And that is to save them and take care of them.

    Name: Josh Nieva
    Email: yopapaps@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  37. Mangroves are an important habitat for birds, mammals, crustaceans and fish by providing a breeding place and by giving protection.

    Full name: Claridel Guanseng
    Email address:cadz@hellokitty.com
    Distance: 16k

  38. Mangroves play a number of vital importance. Mangroves protect shorelines from erosion, serve as valuable nursery areas for fish and invertebrates and are utilized in many parts of the world as a renewable resource.

    Name: Miguel Angelo S. Tolentino
    E-mail: Miguel_genius15@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  39. It’s important to save the Mangroves and protect them from vanishing because they serves as a shelter,nursing and feeding homes for hundreds of fish species and other marine life. These Mangroves also serves as a protection from storms and waves.

    Full Name: Jerald T. Gutierrez
    Email Add: paogutz@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  40. Mangroves not only help in preventing soil erosion but also act as a catalyst in reclaiming land from seas.

    Mangrove trees are also used for house building, furniture, transmission as well as telephone poles and certain household items.

    Full name: jason s. regio
    email add:jason.regio@yahoo.com

  41. It is important to save Mangrove Trees because its role are to Purify the water by absorbing impurities and harmful heavy metals and help us to breathe a clean air by absorbing pollutants in the air.

    Full Name: Heimon Paul A. Ambac
    Email Add: heimon092@gmail.com
    Distance: 10k

  42. Mangroves are important because it is a big relief on the eco=system it orevents flash floods and soil erosion, it is also produces durable, water resistant woods used in building houses and other stuffs that are used in outdoor needs

    Mar-Ben-Rey Bactol

  43. Mangroves are important as a protection to the environment. They protect shorelines from erosion and they contribute to higher water quality. They also provide water-resistant wood used in construction and medicines.

    Catherine Estiaga

  44. The importance of saving the mangroves cannot be stressed enough. Aside from serving as spawn and feeding area of fish, crustaceans and other marine life, mangroves also serve as natural breakwaters. Mangroves help protect coastlines by serving as physical barriers that break strong winds and waves caused by storms etc.

    Full Name: Joel Moreno
    Email: jsmoreno76@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16 k

  45. The mangroves’ value as “protector of shore-line” is enough to convince us for conserving them. Mangrove forests are the breeding and nursery grounds for a number of marine organisms. Aside from that, it also plays an invaluable role as nature’s shield against cyclones and other ecological disasters. :)

    Name: Marie Lyzette Cuenca
    Email: lyzette_cuenca@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  46. It is important to save our mangroves because they provide valuable nursery areas for juvenile fish and are an important source of nutrients for the marine ecosystem. It also serves as a buffer zone between the land and sea, protect the land from erosion, and most importantly, those mangroves save the marine diversity, which is fast diminishing.

    Name: Michael Andrew de Borja
    Email: deborja_mand@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k


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