Tag: running tips

15 Things I Learned from 15 Years of Running

From finding the perfect pair of shoes to respecting the need for recovery, these 15 lessons over 15 years have kept running an essential, joyful part of my life

5 Reasons Why Consistency Matters in Running

Discover why running consistently, even in small distances, can lead to long-term success and improved performance.

Begin Your Fitness Journey: Tips for Starting an Active Lifestyle

Join the running boom and embrace a healthier lifestyle with our guide on how to get started with fitness and stay motivated.

How to Transition from Casual Runner to Avid Racer

Discover how to transition from casual running to becoming an avid racer with these essential tips.

How to Pick the Perfect Race with Pinoy Fitness

With so many running events happening every weekend, how do you choose the right one?

How to Maximize Your Running Era

Running can be a fulfilling part of your life. Learn how to make the most of it by incorporating healthier habits and enjoying the journey.

How To Track Your Running To Improve Performance and Longevity

Running regularly will definitely improve your running, but true performance and longevity improvements will come from being systematic and tracking the proper metrics. 

How to Start Running in the New Normal

Want to start your running journey during the new normal? Read this.

The Itch to Win

We, as avid enthusiasts of fitness have always struggled with injuries throughout our athletic life; these may range from the simple tight muscles to torn ligaments. However, not all things come in great intensities. Our performance may even be hampered by the little things we face on a daily basis.

10 Running Essentials You Should Have Right Now

Don’t be overwhelmed with all those hi-tech running gear you see in your favorite sports shop. Here’s a list of the top 10 things you should have in your “running kit” to run safe and sound.

9 Tips on How to prevent Asthma from Spoiling Your Run

Running has always been known to be a simpler and an easier sport compared to other incarnations like basketball, football and the likes.

Pinoy Fitness Tips: Are you tempted to walk or cut your...

What do you do when you're aiming to run another 5K or 10K, but felt tempted to walk or just simply cut your run short in the middle of it?

Interval Training at Fort with Adidas miCoach

I have been running for a few months now and decided to put some variety and new challenge in my normal continues running routine, I decided to try out interval training with the aid of my Adidas miCoach at Fort BHS.