Takbo para sa Atletang Manresa 2020 in BF Homes Paranaque City.


The Manresa School Parents Auxiliary (MSPA) acts as a link between the Manresa School and the parents or guardians. The members of the MSPA are the first collaborators of the school in achieving its vision and mission, goals and objectives.

On February 16, 2020, Sunday we will hold a Family Fun Run tagged as “Takbo Para sa Atletang Manresa” at BFFHAI Theme Park, BF Homes Paranaque City. Gun start will be at 5am. Proceeds from this activity will support the sports program of the school and provide additional funds to cover the incidental needs of our athletes.

Takbo para sa Atletang Manresa

February 16, 2020
BF Homes Paranaque City
Organizer: Manresa School Parents Auxiliary (MSPA)

Registration Fees:
1K|3K|5K – P400


– Inclusive of a singlet and race BIB


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