Are you a Winner!? – UNILAB ActiveHealth PROMO Results

[ad#square-middle]UNILAB Activehealth Promo Results

After having a chat with Rochelle del Callar from UNILAB we finally have the WINNERS for the UNILAB ActiveHealth PROMO, WINNERS meaning we have not just one winner but UNILAB is giving away 5 Gift Packs!

We then decided to pick the best entry and raffle off the remaining 4 gift packs!

Erickson Martin (Winner by Choice)
“the simplest definition of health is that, it is a state of physical, mental and social well being. being healthy therefore means being able to do your activities of daily living…without procrastinating anything. overall, being healthy implies living a happy life because being happy and being healthy go hand in hand…”

And the Raffle Winners Are…


Congratulations to all the WINNERS of the UNILAB ActiveHealth PROMO



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