ONE RUN: Run As One for SAF 44 – March 15, 2015



RUN4CHANGE INC. is a non-stock, non-profit organization with the goal of motivating and inspiring individuals through running. As an organization, they advocate social change and reform through various programs, activities and events.

This coming March 15, 2015, RUN4CHANGE INC. will be partnering with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association (USPAA), various Rotary Clubs within Metro Manila, as well as other professional and socio-civic groups to conduct “ONE RUN: Run as one for the SAF 44 families”, an event that aims to promote the solidarity of the AFP, the PNP and the general public.

ONE RUN will unite our uniformed personnel with the citizenry under the Philippine Flag. This symbolic event will include a 3K, 5K and 10K morning run that will pass through both Camp Aguinaldo and Camp Crame. It will then culminate in symbolic unity march to be participated in by the various sectors of society.

Apart from this, ONE RUN also aims to raise additional financial support for the families of members of the PNP SAF Members. ONE RUN is not a political event, nor will any emphasis be given to any political figure. It is neither a rally, a protest, nor a mobilization.


ONE RUN: Run As One for SAF 44 Families
March 15, 2015
People Power Monument, White Plains Avenue, Quezon City
3K / 5K / 10K

Registration Fee:
3K / 5K / 10K – P500

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