Kim Mangrobang, Monica Torres, and LC Langit are top Philippine triathletes and best friends, energetic and they share the same passion for sports and possess fun-loving spirits!

On December 27, 2011 they are launching their website! 3isgreaterthan1.com “3 > 1”, and Pinoy Fitness supports them!
Stay Tuned and you can get a chance to win some items too! Up for Grabs are:
(2) 5km Race Kits to Subic International Marathon 2012
(2) 3km Race Kits to Subic International Marathon 2012
(1) Full Mechanical Service & Wash for your bike + Zefal water bottle from Trinity Cycleshop
Just send a photo of yourself swimming/cycling/running with a sign that says 3>1 to [email protected] with your full name and location where the photo was taken!
Photos may be submitted starting December 27, 2011 until January 3, 2012!
Official entries will be published in 3isgreaterthan1.com on January 4, 2012! The top 4 photos with the most likes by January 11 wins one of the cool prizes above!
Share and like this NOW! Be wacky and be creative! LETZDOTHIZ! :)
Good luck to those Tri PF’s….Give it a try great prize awaits… :)
tri-harder hehehe
RT @3isgreaterthan1: https://t.co/UR74VwSD supports 3isgreaterthan1! Thank you PinoyFitness!!!… https://t.co/lhsgReoh
@kimmangrobang @LClangit @3isgreaterthan and I featured on https://t.co/YG1aCy18! View, like and share! https://t.co/wivWzt5F via @AddThis
RT @pinoyfitness: 3-is-greater-than-1 ’3>1′ is Launching their website and PF Supports them! https://t.co/d0n5AZSs
https://t.co/SxU1QcWH is UP! Get a chance to win some COOL items! @monica_torres_ @kimmangrobang https://t.co/B6I3piKC
RT @pinoyfitness: https://t.co/SxU1QcWH is UP! Get a chance to win some COOL items! @monica_torres_ @kimmangrobang https://t.co/B6I3piKC
Swimming, Running or Biking over the holidays? Take a 3>1 picture and get a chance to win cool prizes! Check out… https://t.co/ujHjMNjS