Embark on a unique running journey with the HOKA Trilogy Run Asia, a premier running series that unfolds across multiple host cities annually. Each city hosts three escalating races, starting from a 5k and advancing through to a challenging 42k, culminating in a grand national finals. Designed with strategic distances, Trilogy Run Asia not only aims to push your limits but also focuses on a safe, injury-free progression for runners of all levels. In 2024, experience the thrill and camaraderie of 19 races spread across 7 host cities, and be a part of this exhilarating national event!
HOKA Trilogy Run Asia (Manila)
LEG 1: April 7 | LEG 2: June 2 | LEG 3:Â August 4
SM Mall of Asia
Organizer: RUNRIO
Bundle RegistrationDiscounted one-time registration for Leg 1, Leg 2, and Leg 3 |
Bundle 1 (16K, 21K, 32K) |
Early Bird
P 4,800
Regular Rate
P 5,600
Late Registration
P 6,400
Includes singlets, bibs with timing chips, Finisher’s shirts, medals, and loot bags for three (3) legs
Refer to cut-off time below for each of the category
Bundle 2
(10K, 10K, 10K) |
Early Bird
P 3,200
Regular Rate
P 3,900
Late Registration
P 4,600
Includes singlets, bibs, Finisher’s medals, and loot bags for three (3) legs |
2 hours
Individual Registration |
5K |
Early Bird
P 1,000
Regular Rate
P 1,200
Late Registration
P 1,400
Includes a singlet, bib, Finisher’s medal, and lootbag
1 hour
10K |
Early Bird
P 1,200
Regular Rate
P 1,400
Late Registration
P 1,600
Includes a singlet, bib, Finisher’s medal, and lootbag |
2 hours
Early Bird
P 1,600
Regular Rate
P 1,800
Late Registration
P 2,000
Includes a singlet, bib, Finisher’s shirt, medal, and lootbag |
3 hours
Early Bird
P 1,800
Regular Rate
P 2,000
Late Registration
P 2,200
Includes a singlet, bib, Finisher’s shirt, medal, and lootbag
4 hours
Early Bird
P 2,000
Regular Rate
P 2,200
Late Registration
P 2,400
Includes a singlet, bib, Finisher’s shirt, medal, and lootbag
6 hours
7 hours |
Note: Please be advised that our registration involves additional costs, including processing and web fees, as well as delivery charges, in addition to the published registration fees.
Registration Venues:
1. Register Online via – https://raceroster.com/events/2024/83079/hoka-trilogy-run-asia-manila
Event Artworks:
LEG 3 Race Maps:
For More Information and Inquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Sir/madam: I am a fun runner since my mid-twenties up to present 65 y/o .kindly inform me in advance of any running event schedule in my hometown where I am residing now of Tabasco city in Albay.
Hello, beginner lang po ako sa funrun events, I have some question lang po.
For 5K, anong oras po maguumpisa ung event sa MOA?
And meron po bang time limit ung pagrun to finishline para magkaron po ng finisher medal?
based on experience, usually po maaga ang start like 5am.. so better to be there sa event 1hour before and ang time limit po for 5k is 1hour..
I hope this answers your query somehow :)
Walang medal ang 5k Usually pag 5k certificate ang binibigay.
san magparegister individual 10k
pde iba lugar sa Leg 1, iba sa Leg 2, etc.
Please advise the gun start for 10, 16, 21, and 32K
di naman required naka Hoka brand yung shoes right?
Keep in mind “COPENHAGEN”, please never forget, All running events even in the entire globe if it’s sponsored by Adidas, Nike, Hoka, Brooks, New Balance, Saucony, Salomon, Merrell, and other brands regardless if it’s road or trail run does not require participants to wear their respective brands even in World Marathon events.
Hello, may problema po ba raceroster? di po ako maka register.