Fitness First PH – No App, No Entry


As gyms and clubs prepare to re-open after the lock-down, establishments needs to follow certain guidelines like acceptable capacity, social distancing and hygiene guidelines during operations. And Fitness First, the leading fitness club in the country just announced how they are going to go about this new challenge.

Fitness First just recently released the new “Fitness First Asia” mobile app, where members are now required to download to book gym floor and class access prior to club visit. The mobile app aims to track member usage of the gym as well as maintain a safe capacity in the clubs.

Though it is still recommended to stay at home, this could be a good temporary solution for people who don’t have a home gym or can’t workout at home, booking your floor and class time can also help in contact tracing and make sure the club knows the people around during specific class times.


If you’re a current Fitness First Member, would this solution encourage you to visit the gym again? Share your thoughts below.



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