How to Achieve the Perfect Kili Kili Finish Line Pose

Photo from Rickpets Lens Photography

You’re a runner. You wake up early to squeeze in a few kilometers run every morning before heading for work. You sometimes miss Saturday night gimmicks so you can train insane on Sunday at UP. You know by heart what’s the difference between speed work, easy run, and LSD. You know all types of nutrition- fluids, gels, bananas, boiled eggs. Your social media consist of run selfies and your calendar is up to date with races that you will be running and those that you wish you can afford to join.

Today is race day. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for: crossing the finish line! Finally, after weeks of training, you’ll hopefully beat your personal best! You arrive early enough to warm up with dynamic stretches. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Bang!

It’s gun start! You pound the pavement and channel your inner Kipchoge. You slow down at water stations to quench your thirst. You smile at kilometer markers as they remind you that you’re one step closer to the finish line. The finish line! You can already hear the song Eye of the Tiger in your mind and it makes you run harder.

The finish line is just twenty meters away. You see a throng of photographers pointing their cameras toward the runners about to cross the finish line. You’re so excited that you’re running and waving your arms so high and give your best smile! Congratulations on finishing another run!

Related Article: 5 Finish Line Moments at the TBR Dream Marathon


And then you see your photos online…

You notice that your armpits are a bit on the dark side. Aww. You want to repost your photos but you’re kinda shy of the kili-kili situation. When you have been using all the whitening deos in the market, and you’ve tried the natural remedies Dr. Google has suggested but to no avail…

What do you do? STRIP it! STRIP WHITE aims to lighten the skin by one shade even with just one session and also gets rid of fine lines and stretch marks to give you the perfect underarms!

You will definitely feel more confident to raise your arms up high as you cross the finish line on your next race!

Strip Ministry of Waxing is located at 4th floor Mega Fashion Hall You can follow them on IG at @StripManila or look for the hashtags #StripManila #StripitAlloff


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