Run Meet for Kheann in BGC


Kheann Manahan, 4 months old now and he was diagnosed with VSD ( Ventricular Septal Defect) when he was 3weeks old. What is VSD and how does it affect my Son’s life?

VSD is a hole in the wall separating the two lower chambers of the heart. In normal development, the wall between the chambers closes before the fetus is born, so that by birth, oxygen-rich blood is kept from mixing with the oxygen-poor blood. When the hole does not close, it may cause higher pressure in the heart or reduced oxygen to the body.

If the opening is Medium or large, the child may breath faster and harder than normal. Infants may have trouble feeding and growing at a normal rate. High pressure may occur in the blood vessels in the lungs because more blood than normal is being pumped there. Over time this may cause permanent damage to the lung blood vessels.

What can be done about Kheann’s condition?


Open-heart surgery may be needed to close it and prevent serious problems. Usually open-heart surgery is done as early as their infancy or childhood to prevent complications later. Usually a patch of fabric or pericardium (the normal lining around the outside of the heart) is sewn over the VSD to close it completely.

GNC Run Meet for Kheann

May 5, 2018 @ 5AM
Bonifacio Global City (Track 30th)

Registration Fee:
FREE (Donation of any amount is welcome)

Note: This is not a FUN RUN event.

Registration Venue:
1. Online (Pre-Register) – Click Here

Can’t Join the Run but still want to help and donate?
– BDO Savings Account ‎005350131509
– Account Name : Gladie Ann Manahan

Race Maps:


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