Tau Alpha Diliman Marathon 2018 in UP Diliman


Tau Alpha, Zest-O, and Trampoline Park in partnership with Nike+ Run Club brings you, the Tau Alpha Diliman Marathon,

Come and run with us this February 25 for the upcoming UP College of Engineering week. Enjoy the afternoon breeze in UP Diliman’s Academic Oval as you run your heart’s content.

Take a shot at 3,000 pesos, and receive lots of freebies from our sponsors.

Gunstart at 4pm at the College of Engineering Tau Alpha Lawn (West wing)

Invite your friends and family and we’ll see you there!


Tau Alpha Diliman Marathon

February 25, 2018
UP Diliman Academic Oval
4.4K Dash
Organizer: Tau Alpha Fraternity

Registration Fees:
4.4K – P350

– Inclusive of race singlet and other freebies

Registration Venues:
1. On-site:
– Tau Alpha Lawn, Melchor Hall, UP Diliman

For More Information:
Marc Justin Lauzon -09953029361


  1. I would prefer to keep the name as Tau Alpha, instead of Tau Alpha Fraternity. The latter seems to be looking for validation, which we don’t need. I suspect the brods of my generation will agree.

  2. Yes they do. It was a challenge for the older generations of students many decades ago to the the Athens/Marathon run of roughly 42 kilometers. As time changed, students were more involved more in marshall law and other activities were as before they had baseball, running and other events during pre-war era. Many of the Tau Alphans who participated in the event were athletes and became AFP military officers such as Rigoberto Atienza and the former Senator Ting Paterno ’44. The founding member Angel Francisco Gutierez de Jesus in 1930’s was a track and field/ marathoner athlete.

    Why it is still called a Marathon? It retain its name “Diliman Marathon” as a running event in University of the Philippines, however, the event now is just specifically a 4.4km dash to entice bright students from UP to run. The Milo Marathon is now known as one of the country’s recognized marathon among many others. Hopefully, we can put back the event in longer distance running as part of student activities which some still do aside from DOTA and other techy games.
    The greek “marathon” itself is line with Tau Alpha, which is based from the story of Jason and “T-he A-rgonauts”. Apparently, it is only the greek fraternity in he Philippines based on greek mythology and principles. Hence, Tau Alpha is called the vintage frat as the younger frats used greek letter and came up with stories based on their aspirations.

  3. Yes they do. It was a challenge for the older generations of students many decades ago to do the Athens/Marathon run of roughly 42 kilometers. As time changed, students were more involved more in marshall law and other activities were as before they had baseball, running and other events during pre-war era. Many of the Tau Alphans who participated in the event were athletes and became AFP military officers such as Rigoberto Atienza and the former Senator Ting Paterno ’44. The founding member Angel Francisco Gutierez de Jesus in 1930’s was a track and field/ marathoner athlete.

    Why it is still called a Marathon? It retain its name “Diliman Marathon” as a running event in University of the Philippines, however, the event now is just specifically a 4.4km dash to entice bright students from UP to run. The Milo Marathon is now known as one of the country’s recognized marathon among many others. Hopefully, we can put back the event in longer distance running as part of student activities which some still do aside from DOTA and other techy games.
    The greek “marathon” itself is line with Tau Alpha, which is based from the story of Jason and “T-he A-rgonauts”. Apparently, it is only the greek fraternity in he Philippines based on greek mythology and principles. Hence, Tau Alpha is called the vintage frat as the younger frats used greek letter and came up with stories based on their aspirations.


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