Practical Tips on How to Stick To Your NY Resolutions this Year


As a new year begins, most people aim to change their ways in hopes of starting the year right and having a better one in general. That is why New Year Resolutions are made: to keep a promise to one’s self to improve in comparison to however we ended the previous year.

We’ve all been through different things, but there are still commonalities at the end of the day in the resolutions we made/want to make. Do people stick to these, though? Sadly, only 8% of the 7.6 billion people living here on earth actually achieve their New Year Resolutions! You do the math!

This happens because of various reasons and we’ll try to list down practical tips on how we can maintain them. We made a poll on what runners want to improve this year, and we got the following statements below:


I’m going to run faster

As runners, I’m sure it’s their goal to challenge themselves to improve their time. PF Sub1 is happening this March, maybe it’s going to be the year that most will succeed!

I’m going to work on a toned / six-pack abs

Vain as it may sound, having a nice abdomen is truly a sign of hardwork and dedication. We’ve all struggled year after year to “resolve” this resolution, but here we are on another try. Hopefully, 2018 will be our year! (I voted for this personally, too!)

I’m going to lose weight

Food is always constant—it’s a necessity! However, too much food isn’t all that good. For this year, many committed to lose weight to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Something to keep in mind to those who voted for this could be strictly following the 70-30 fitness rule!

I’m going to run more / start running

The beginning is always the hardest part. If you conquer this hurdle, you’ll be more and more determined to run some more or even to start running in general! Let’s see if 2018 will be a year where runners will multiply in number!

Those are the top 4 resolutions that runners made this year. If you’re like them, here are some tips you might need to know so you can uphold that goal for the entire year:

1. Don’t fight a battle alone

As stated, the resolutions above came from the answers of a lot of people; meaning there are many who have the same goal as you. Look for like-minded friends and help each other along the way. Companionship can be a big help, especially if you’re feeling demotivated! Now, you have someone to remind you to get your body moving!

2. Keep it achievable and take it slow

Most fail their New Year Resolution because it’s far-fetched. Surely, you can’t expect a big change immediately. You have to start slow and, eventually, you’ll reach your goal. Listen to your body and see how much it can take. There’s a big difference between pushing your body too hard and pushing your body to its limit.

3. Be consistent

New Year Resolutions are a year-long commitment. That means it’s going to be 12 months of doing something until you achieve your objective. Mentally prepare yourself for it. There will be days where you’ll feel uninspired for many reasons, but fight it and be consistent. Nothing will happen if you don’t do it regularly.

4. Organize Time and Priorities

It’s just the start of the year, so it seems like we have so much time. However, we, eventually, will receive a handful of responsibilities and it’ll be difficult to keep track of what we promised. If we become organized and set our priorities wisely, there will be no reason why you should stop pursuing your resolution/s. Be mindful on how you use your time and take note that you should allot time for what you wanted to do.

5. Record Yourself to be inspired

We reap what we sow. Sometimes, we just don’t see that immediately. This is why it’s optimal to record oneself so you can see that your efforts are not in vain. After a month as you view your progress, I’m sure you’ll feel move inspired than ever if you see that a change is visible. Seeing is believing and, if you keep at it, you’ll see what you always wanted to see sooner than you think.

This isn’t just a January thing, this is a whole-year challenge. With just a bit of determination, maybe, just maybe, we can increase that 8% resolution-passers to a higher number this 2018.

How about you? What’s your New Year Resolution? Comment your thoughts and share this post– your friends might become inspired by what you write.


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