Spartan Race Philippines 2017 SPRINT Video Recap and Quick Review


Spartan Race Philippines 2017 SPRINT

The very first Spartan Race in the Philippines finally happened! And I am personally very excited about this race because it’s the first international Obstacle Course Racing brand that mounted a race here in the Philippines. It means the market for OCR is really growing here in the country, together with local events like the Conquer Challenge and Guerilla Race, it would mean more options for fitness enthusiast and endurance athletes besides running and triathlon.

For the first Spartan Race PH, I was really impressed on how stable the obstacles were… the walls, hurdles, etc, don’t wiggle, so there is no fear that it would flip over and fall. Conquering them however is a different story. :D

Luckily, my GoPro survived the entire Sprint Race, and I was able to capture 21 or the 25 obstacles on video, if you’re planning to join the next Spartan Race, watch the video to give you an idea on what to expect to help you prepare for the race.


One thing worth noting it that without the pre-race training at the Obstacle Sports Factory and priceless tips and tricks from my POSF Friends and Family, this race would have been a lot tougher to conquer.

Related Article: 6 Obstacles to Master before the Spartan Race PH

Looking for the Spartan PH Race Results? – Click Here

To all new and aspiring Spartans… AROO!


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