After an incredibly successful birthday run last year, Haring Maharot is back again for another Trail Run adventure! September is his birthday month and through his commitment to the running community, Lao Ogerio is organizing a birthday run.
Newbies, hardcore, road and trail runners are invited to conquer the friendly, well-established yet challenging trails of Sitio Wawa, Montalban Rizal this September 03, 2017. It’s gonna be another uphill and downhill adventure. The event is composed of two (2) categories, 21km and 10km. This race kit includes finisher’s shirt, finisher’s medal, and certificates for top finishers and post race meal after the run.
Get to know the one and only “Maharot” in the running community while enjoying the simple celebration together with your co-runners.
September 3, 2017
Sitio Wawa, Montalban Rizal
Organizer: Lao Ogerio / Jose Ramizares / Avhic Gado
Get Updated about this Event – Click Here
Registration Fees:
21K – P1000
10k – P650
21K – Finisher’s shirt, finisher’s medal, Certificate (top finishers) and post race meal (Cut-off: 6 hours)
10K – Finisher’s shirt, finisher’s medal, Certificate (top finishers) and post race meal (Cut-off: 4 hours)
Registration Venues:
1. In-Store: Every Tuesday & Thursday @ UP Science Complex, Amphitheater. Look for Avhic Gado and Jose Ramizares, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm only.
Please send text message before going to UP at ff.: 0917 823 7885 | 0936 807 3951.
2. Bank Deposit (Online)
Bank Deposit: Payment thru Bank DepositBank: Banco De Oro (Savings)
Account Number: 0073-402-807-20
Account Name: Laurencio A. OgerioNOTE:
Send your deposit slip via email at OR send the deposit slip to our Official Facebook Page – “Run 2 Me” together with the following details:
– Subject: RUN 2 ME 2017
– Name: [First Name Middle Initial Last Name]
– Contact Number:
– Shirt Size: (see Shirt Chart below)
REGISTRATION PERIOD: JULY 14, 2017 to AUGUST 18, 2017 only
** For more information, you may contact 0917 823 7885 and 0936 807 3951 or email us at
** Kit Claiming: Bib release start around 3:30 am at Wawa Elementary School. Please come early.
For More Information:
Call: 0917 823 7885 and 0936 807 3951
Do you have directions for people who will commute?