How to Balik Alindog with Your Bae

How’s your new year’s resolution?


How to Balik Alindog with Your Bae

Summer na mga bes… how’s your new year’s resolution? It’s almost Holy Week, and unfortunately, my body is still in Noche Buena shape! I have been doing a lot of marathons lately — The Crown, Designated Survivor, Billions, Shooter — and less of logging in miles in my NRC App. I knew I needed a motivation to get my ass off the couch and be on the road running. Who else could motivate me the best but my boyfriend?

You see, unlike me, Age is a hardworking athlete. He swims, bikes, and runs six freaking times a week! There are weeks I couldn’t even get past two runs! When I told him I wanted to be more serious in my fitness routine and I needed his help, he was more than glad to support me! It’s on like Pong Pagong baby!

From one power couple (hahaha feeling!) to another, we would like to share tips on how to make your Balik Alindog Program a success:

1. Communicate and Commit.

Talk to your partner and discuss how he/she can motivate you. Commit that you’re in it two-gether.


To be on the same page, Age downloaded the apps that I have been using: Nike Run Club (NRC) and Nike Training Club (NTC). This way, he is able to join and understand the kind of programs I am into; and he also monitors the runs and workouts that I have done and calls me out when I haven’t done any in a while. There are days he lowers his running pace a little bit so we can run side by side. While on days that he rides his bike indoors, I just lay out my yoga mat next to his bike trainers and start working out with the NTC app.

2. Set a goal

Whatever you want to achieve, make sure you set a SMART goal. Set a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound goal. You want to lose weight? Identify how many pounds in how many months. You want to set a personal record in your 10k? Identify how many minutes in how many weeks.

I have been running 10k and my time hasn’t improved in a while; so aside from wanting to lose 8-10 pounds, I’m also hoping to run 10kms one to three minutes faster. We both are joining the Pinoy Fitness Sub1 10K Challenge. BUT BUT BUT I’m just running the fun wave ok? I can’t run 10k in 60 minutes yet! Hahaha!

3. Get the Right Gear

Ah the fun part! Shopping!

Age and I recently got ourselves the Nike Zonal Tights and what we love about the pair is it’s presko even if this summer heat is killing us already. It’s perfect for our runs as it compresses our quads and calves!

4. Go on Workout Dates

Spend your Sunday morning running around UP Academic Oval and a have hearty brekky after. Or make time every Tuesday or Thursday after work and sign up at FREE NRC Sessions in BGC. Spice things up by cross training at NTC Classes (also FREE!) held at Kerry’s Sports Manila every Wednesday (8:30PM) and Saturday (10:30AM)! Sweat it all out with Nike Pacers, Trainers, and Coaches and look forward to guilt free meals after!

5. Go on Vacation

… and bring your workout gear! One of the best ways to explore a new place is to run it!

Age and I love to go out of town whenever we can and we make sure to bring our workout paraphernalia with us—his bike, our running OOTD and shoes! Our last adventure outside Manila was in Baguio; we ran from our Airbnb to Sto. Tomas freaking Radar! The elevation was crazy but we sure did enjoy the experience!

Last, don’t forget to snap a selfie while you’re out running or working out! These shared experiences with your partner are worth capturing! Here’s a short video of ours:


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