Do more, Say less and Have the Right Attitude


Dennis Borbolla Story 1

Do more, Say less and Have the Right Attitude
by: Dennis Borbolla

It was eight months ago when I noticed my clothes were getting smaller, or to my dismay, I was getting bigger. Picking out what to wear was becoming a problem. There were times I had to dress up to go out but deciding what to wear only brought frustration. Worse, I had to borrow clothes from my dad because none of my clothes fit me anymore.

To my disappointment, gaining weight became obvious not only to my friends but also to my officemates. People started calling me “taba” (fat) on a regular basis and it was depressing. There was this instance when I went out on a blind date, and my date told me, “Ang taba mo pala sa personal, sa pictures kasi chubby ka lang…”

Her remarks left me to question myself. When I looked at myself in the mirror, it wasn’t exactly what I wanted myself to be. So I decided to change my life so that I would feel good about myself again and hopefully regain my confidence.


I know it may sound superficial but I wanted to look my best. I didn’t want to wear the same clothes over and over again just because it was the only thing that would fit me. I didn’t want to borrow clothes from my dad anymore and most especially, I didn’t want anyone to call me names like taba, baboy, biik (fat, pig, piglet) or other names that had a reference to me being fat and unhealthy.

Finally, I made a choice to start over and rebuild myself.

The first step was to educate myself about the proper diet. I did some research and started to eat fresh food and cooked them myself. After fixing my diet, I decided to live a more active lifestyle by getting into sports and exercise. I enrolled in a gym and started to run and play badminton regularly.

After 6 months of hard work and discipline, I started to see improvements. I went from 88kg to 70kg loosing about 18kg (40lbs). And finally, I was also able to wear clothes that I wanted to wear and used to wear; from an extra-large I dropped to a medium.

My family, friends and colleagues all noticed the weight loss and congratulated me on my journey. I am very happy with what I achieved. Not just with the weight loss but more importantly, my lifestyle change. It took time, discipline, and the right attitude, armed with this 3 discipline you can achieve anything!

Dennis Borbolla Story 2

Here’s some tips I learned throughout my fitness journey:
1. Set your goals and put them in action.
2. 100 percent dedication is the key to achieve your goals
3. Educate yourself. Differentiate good food from bad food and improve your diet!
4. You need toughness, commitment, discipline, and effort during workouts.
5. Prioritize sleep, exercise, and healthy eating.
6. 70% Diet, 30% workout but 100% dedication on both.
7. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Believe that you can do it and you will work hard to achieve it.
8. Pray and let God.

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