1st Sky Tagaytay Half Marathon – October 11, 2015



Eye in the Sky!!! The 1st Sky Tagaytay Half Marathon is happening on OCTOBER 11,2015 at Sky Ranch, Tagaytay City.

strong>1st Sky Tagaytay Half Marathon
October 11, 2015
Sky Ranch, Tagaytay City
5K / 10K / 15K / 21K

Registration Fees:

Early Bird Registration (July 1- August 15,2015)
5K – P400
10K – P550
15K – P700
21K – P800


Regular Registration (August 16-October 3, 2015)
5K – P500
10K – P650
15K – P800
21K – P900

Inclusive of singlet, race bib, medal (except for 5K finishers), and shirt for 21K finishers.

1.) Deposit your registration fee to:
BDO Account # : 002150208772 / Account Name: Prince Multi Sports Events,Inc. OR
BPI Account # : 004179363017 / Account name: Juden Thaddy Baltazar
2.) Email your deposit slip with finisher’s shirt size to: princemultisports@gmail.com

Singlet and Finisher Shirt:

For more information:
Mobile: 09172066110 / 09228141431 (Joseph Prince Baltazar, Race Director)
Facebook: Click Here

For Instant Updates – Follow US!

PF Online Community -> https://members.pinoyfitness.com
PF Online Shop -> https://shop.pinoyfitness.com

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  1. selling led shoelace 180.00/pair, battery operated w/ 3 modes:on/off,steady lights/blinkking, washable/hindi sya disposable up to 72 hrs battery life w/ different colors:green,orage,blue,red

  2. map/elevation for 21k please.. plan to do this after antipolo, WV run then hopefully caliraya 25 k ..if plans dont misfire .. i like joining outside Metro Mla events

  3. Coco Esguerra Dale Wilmar Calixterio Jerome Leogo mga pre bagong route tapos ganda ng medal at FS haha sali ako dito

  4. Olegnaira Norrab, Semsem Francisco, Takumi Fujiwara, Bryan Medenilla… Para maiba naman ang purpose sa Tagaytay. Haha


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