2014 Boston Marathon goes Virtual with New APP



How I wish I can actually quality to join the Boston Marathon, well maybe someday. The Boston Marathon has always been the ultimate dream race for runners, and after the 2013 marathon bombing, there where actually more people wanting to participate in this iconic race.


The Boston Marathon World Run app is available for FREE on Apple and Andriod phones as well as accessible via their website at www.bostonmarathonworldrun.org where users will be able to share photos, set target mileage goals, track their progress and connect with other runners across the globe.

Runners who join will be assigned their very own virtual bib number (similar above), and when they reach their goal on April 21, the day of the Boston Marathon 2014, they will be able to print a finisher’s certificate together with a share-able virtual medal.


When runners sign-up to participate in this virtual race, they would also be given a chance to donate to One Fund Boston, the charity to aid the victims of last year’s bombings and their families.

So is Boston Marathon your Dream Race? Let’s start virtually and maybe someday we can really be in Boston to participate in this iconic race.

Download the App or signup here www.bostonmarathonworldrun.org look for the Group ‘PINOY FITNESS’. See you there!

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  1. was qualified, accepted, and would be actually running in this event on April 21. I wonder if I can order a running shirt from pinoy fitness with a philippine flag printed on it? Would proudly wear on the actual race. Am willing to pay for the cost of the shirt. thanks.

  2. Hi. Any update po sa group? You can not join this group. This group’s remaining pledged distance is zero parin as of March 3. 12:34 PM. Thanks.


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