Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha 2014


ULAH Camp Alpha8

The Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha triathlon weekend is happening this January 25-26 at The Village Sports Club, BF Homes, Paranaque and February 8-9 at Sandari Batulao, Batangas!

Presented by Specialized, this training camp will have technical swim sessions led by Coach Martin Carandang, and advanced lectures on training with Pace, Power, and Heart Rate by Coach Andy Leuterio. With their proximity to excellent riding and running routes as well, the Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha will also have epic training sessions designed to help the Age Grouper make 2014 a Breakthrough Year!

The Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha is OPEN TO ALL TRIATHLETES.

Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha 2014


Leg 1: Jan. 25-26: The Village Sports Club, BF Homes, Paranaque
– Training with Pace, Power, and Heart Rate
– Baseline tests for Swim, Bike, and Run
– Plotting the 2014 Season

Leg 2: Feb 8-9: Sandari Batulao, Batangas
– More volume-focused training with plenty of hills and scenic roads, an ideal tune-up for upcoming Standard and 70.3 races.

Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha is also a “tri-out” series for athletes who would like to apply for the 2014 Alpha Training Systems “Red” and “Black” programs.

The “Red” program is ideal for the athlete who would like to finish races strong, but on limited training time, while the “Black” program is for the athlete who would like to go all-in this year with a highly customized and variable program. There will only be 10 slots to the “Black” program in 2014.

Participants who would just like to have an awesome training weekend with like-minded folks can opt for either Leg, but applicants to the “Black” program must sign up for both Legs to be eligible for “Selection”.

1. Download and fill-out the Registration Form (Encircle or Highlight which Leg(s) you are joining).

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2. Deposit payment to Union Bank S/A 102520026685 “Alexander Leuterio”
3. Email Deposit Slip and filled-up Registration Form to alpha_tri@yahoo.com
4. Wait for Confirmation Email

Inquiries can also be sent to Coach Andy at alpha_tri@yahoo.com

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