Change is POSSIBLE by Yetz Cunan


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Change is POSSIBLE
by: Yetz Cunan

My story isn’t as grand or as special. I’m making mine public with hopes to inspire and motivate others.

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A brief background – I am a 38 year old bank employee; a loving husband to a hardworking and beautiful woman, and a responsible father to a 4 year old smart boy. I’m as normal as everyone, save for a slightly shorter right arm, and a small right hand. And yes! I’m proud of it!


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About 6 months ago, I was a 185 lbs. eating machine. I was not your regular – athletic type – Juan Dela Cruz. I would normally spend my days at the office eating donuts or cakes for merienda and chow down volumes of sisig, big burgers, and what not during weekends. I was taking on all the food I can consume without worrying about putting on the extra weight – a whopping 185 lbs. at that. At a certain point, I even reached 190lbs, but I was never depressed, and thought that, maybe a little walk here and there will cut down the extra pounds I took on. I was in denial and thought that I was OK. So, I started to minimize rice consumption during supper and it seemed to work; well, at least for a while. After some time, I was back to my regular eating habit. As a result of my relentless appetite, I flushed out a couple of kidney stones back in 2012 – and yes, it was painful. After that ordeal, I thought I was back to my “healthy” old self. Mid-March 2013, I had the “opportunity” to experience the excruciating pain of walking with — Gout.

After a number of blood tests, the doctor confirmed what I didn’t want to hear…and more. Apparently, test results showed that there may be new stones forming in my Kidney, that my cholesterol is nearing the danger/border level, and that I have fatty liver. Wow! Talk about an all-in-one package. Just imagine – I had to spend around P10K/month on medication, for four months. It was very, very costly, but I had no choice.

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By May 2013, I made the life-changing decision and started working-out at a local gym while simultaneously undergoing medication. I get up at 5 a.m. and workout first thing every morning, Monday-Friday. Weekends, on the other hand, are reserved for my wife and my boy, that’s why on Saturday or Sunday mornings, we jog, run & play at the Ayala Triangle Gardens. I have been working out for 6 months now and have lost around around 30lbs (that’s 6-7 inches around the waist), and for the first time in my life, I can truly say that “I like what I’m feeling, and I love what I’m seeing.”

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At 160lbs, i feel that I am ready to take on new challenges, which is why recently, I joined a 10k Run/Race – and my fearless forecast was that – I’ll finish the race in under two hours. True enough, did. In fact, I finished in 1hr 12 mins. Better than I expected! I didn’t exactly win, but that run was surely worth more than a Gold medal to me. I have a couple more Races in queue for the next two months, and am still looking forward to a lot more.

Currently, I am no longer taking any gout medication, and, my blood levels are all normal. I’m truly glad I made that life changing decision – the active and healthy lifestyle has cured me. Because of my new outlook, I have motivated colleagues at work and had them join me in the upcoming races, and I know that I have inspired them – because now, they too have started making changes in their lifestyles.

I always hear people say that they want to exercise, but they simply have no time. I always tell them that I too had the same predicament – that’s why instead of whining, I made time for it and made sure that no matter what – i’ll get to exercise at least an hour everyday.

This is my story and perhaps with this, I can make those who doubt believe, because I myself, am a living proof that …

…Change is possible. — END

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  1. Dude, we’ve been “gym mates” for almost 5 months now and I can attest to your dedication. Someday I will be able to share my story as well. Congrats and goodluck to your upcoming runs – Toti


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