This activity is being organized by the Punta Fuego Village Foundation and Club Punta Fuego for your enjoyment as well as to raise funds for our Save the Oceans program, specifically, our turtle conservation project and our Balaytigue Bantay Dagat operations.
2nd Turtle Run: A Family Fun Run for a Cause
March 30, 2013 @ 3:00 PM
Peninsula de Punta Fuego, Nasugbu Batangas
Organizer: Punta Fuego Village Foundation & Club Punta Fuego
Registration Fees:
12 years old & below – Php 400
13 to 19 years old – Php 500
20 years old and above – Php 600
Inclusive Runner’s T-Shirt, Finisher’s Certificate, Give-aways and Raffle.
Registration Venues:
– Punta Fuego Village Foundation, Inc.,
– Peninsula de Punta Fuego, Bo. Balaytigue, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines
Please deposit your payment at:
PFVFI Metrobank (Nasugbu Branch)
Account No: 476-7-47650097-0
PFHAI Unionbank (BF Homes Paranaque Branch)
Account No: 10-203-000104-8
2nd Turtle Run – Shirt Design

Contact Details:
Mobile: 0920-9700322
Tel.No/Fax: (043) 729-0011
Hotline 0919-4101911
Email: pfvfi@yahoo.com.ph or pfvfi@puntafuegovillage.com
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first :p
2nd hehe
may available shuttle?
ang ganda nito kaso layo naman