Skyathon Boracay Beach Run – April 13, 2013!


Are you guys ready to once again race along the beach of Boracay? Then as early as now, SAVE THE DATE! Skyathon Boracay Beach Run is scheduled to happen on April 13, 2013! Time to scout for PISO Sale!

Join the Individual 10k and 5k categories, or tag-team with a friend for the 10k Couple’s Relay. And just like it has been in years past, there will be hot-hot-HOT parties before and after the run. So start booking those flights and save the date!

Skyathon Boracay Beach Run 2013
April 13, 2013
5K/10K/10K Couples Relay
Bocaray, Philippines

Registration Fees:
5K – Php 500
10K – Php 600
Couple’s Relay – Php 1,000

Registration Venues:
Chris Sports – Boracay, Glorietta, Mall of Asia, Market! Market!, Megamall, SM North Annex
Fitness and Athletics – BGC
Gold’s Gym – Glorietta


Registration Duration:
In Manila – Jan 26 to March 10 (Extended till March 23!)
In Boracay – Jan 26 to April 12

For Instant Updates – Follow US!

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  1. Hi Runners, don’t worry April 13 is the final date for Skyathon 2013. We will be having all the details in two weeks time! Keep the excitement coming y’all!

  2. Hi Skyahon,
    Called Chris sports Megamall 5 minutes ago and they said wala pa daw registration for Skyathlon. Kailan po ba sa branch na to? Thanks

  3. Hi @Dickbo and all runners! Please give us a few days to sort out the registration. We will let you know as soon you can register at the sites stated above. Thanks for your patience!

  4. bakit tanghali sayang d kmi mkakasali alis kmi s bora ng 7am wahhhhhh
    this our 1st time sana gawin mas maaga ang gun start para makasali kmi :-(

  5. if i’m not mistaken on what i heard, the first 300 registrant will only have the singlets? is this for real? please confirm. thanks!

  6. as announced, registration sites starts Jan.26, i was in chrisports megamall yesterday, they told me na there’s no registration for skyathon & they have no instructions. i prefer to register that way rather than using online. so, whats the final date & sites for the registration?

  7. Hi! Again we apologize for the delays in registration. Everything should be up and running by this weekend. But if you want to sign up right now, you can go to Gold’s Gym Glorietta, reg is already set up there.

    On singlets – just register on or before March 10 to be assured of getting one
    On medals – yes there will be finishers medals for all categories

    Thanks all.

  8. Is it true that singlet/race kit will only be provided on the day of the race April 13 (for both online and onsite registration) ?

  9. Please wait for further advice. But for now claiming of race kits is on:
    April 12, 2pm-6pm, Epic, or 4:30am on April 13 before the race.

  10. I Hope that these next SKYATHON COUPLE RELAY will be partners. Cause’ last race here in island surprised us, we thought it’s really couples who were married or something. We also invited some of our couple friends here to join the race. But suddenly, the 1st finisher were both guy.I think it’s more exciting and fun if the couple is married or in relationship. I hope you get my point.See you here in the island. Ahooo!!

  11. UPDATE on race kit claiming – we’ve extended the hours for runners who will get to the island late.

    April 12, 2pm-6pm, Epic
    April 12, 6pm-12mn, Tides lobby

  12. Pretty simple. One runs 5k first then tags the other to run the other 5k. And no, it doesn’t have to be a romantic partnership – you can totally run with a friend or teammate.

  13. @RunSunSan: No assurance. There are only 400 kits available. Reg is subject to availability. Suggest you register on or before March 23.

  14. Skyathon guys, where can I see the Route Map? And what will be the prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers? thanks

  15. Hi Apple,

    The route will start from station 2, D’Mall area, all the way to Station 1 and back. Straight lang from the beach.

    For the prizes, last year there are cash prizes and gift packs to top finishers.

  16. Hi, if youre planning to run on skyathon 2013 and dont have any plane tickets yet and hotel reservation. Im offering 2 plane tickets round trip with 3 days and 2 night from april 12-15 for only 4.8k each.If anyone is interested you can reach on this number

  17. I want to know in couples relay,Is womens category and mens category are separate?
    me and my girl friend were planning to join but confused about the category if its womens or mix category in couples category.

  18. HI,
    I am a runner from the US looking to run a race before i head back to the states. Can I still sign up for this one. I will be there Thursday morning. What time is the race on Saturday?

  19. Hi Erin. We’d love to have you. Hope to see you register tomorrow. We will be at Epic in Station 2 during the day. Race starts at 6am on Saturday.


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