ZOMBIES, RUN! Running Game for Mobile (iOS, Android)


Want to join in the Zombie Run craze but was unable to join the Race Event? Well, here’s another way to RUN and PLAY with the Zombies!

This mobile APP for iOS, Android or Windows Phone puts you into a running game and audio adventure allowing you to help rebuild a civilization after a zombie apocalypse by actually running in the real world!

All you have to do is to keep on running to collect supplies, ammo, medicine and battery which after each run you can use to distribute to your town and help it grow.

An APP you can definitely use to put some twist to your usual run routine.

Check out this video:


Price: $7.99 – iOS, Andriod, Windows Phone

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  1. Wow, this seems like an amazing app! I’m a sucker for zombie apps and games. This app seems a lot better than the free versions available. I would get this app in heartbeat, but the $7.99 makes me think a little bit. But once I get my hands on it, I’ll definitely write a review on my blog. :) Thanks for sharing! Will look further into this!


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