Time to get ready for Condura Marathon 2012!

condura marathon 2012 promo

With less than 3 weeks left before this years’ Condura Skyway Marathon 2012, I’m quite sure that everyone is in their last phases of training. Last year we ran for the Dolphin’s, this year I’m sure there will again be thousands who will run for the Mangroves.

Why Run for the Mangroves? -> Click Here

This year I am also proud to announce that Pinoy Fitness is one of the official online media partners of Condura Skyway Marathon, aside from supporting this event thru online and social media, we’ll also be on-site on February 5 to support fellow Pinoy Fitness Runners who will be running in this event, we’ll have a booth on-site where supporters may gather and get to know each other. PF Tech Shirt and the most awaited PF Singlet will also be available onsite!

So for those who still haven’t registered for this run, Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 registration is still ongoing until January 29, 2012, we really want to see you there!

For more information about the event visit – > https://www.conduraskywaymarathon.com


For First Time Marathoners, Time to get Ready! You might want to read our 42K Do’s and Don’ts before the race.

Condura Race Kit Giveaway PROMO:
As one of the official Online Media Partners, we are also giving away 5 Condura Skyway Marathon Race Kits!

1. You must be a follower of Pinoy Fitness! (Follow US now!)
-> https://www.facebook.com/pinoyfitness
-> https://www.twitter.com/pinoyfitness

2. Leave a comment in the blog and Answer the following question:
-> Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

3. Leave your Full Name and Email address and Distance (we will this to contact you)
-> Full Name: (As seen on your valid ID)
-> Email: (multiple email submissions are not allowed)
-> Distance: (3K to 16K only)

4. Share and Tweet: (On your Personal Facebook/Twitter)
-> “WIN Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 Race Kits from Pinoy Fitness! – https://wp.me/pQctC-3pU @pinoyfitness

5. Winners will be selected via Random pick.

Promo will end until January 22 at 11:59PM.


  1. It is important that we protect the mangroves because they harbour a variety of life forms like invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and even mammals like tigers.

    Full Name: Yan Dizon
    Email: yan_dizon@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  2. mangroves are important because it is being used by a vast array of organisms as breeding,nursery and feeding areas and it also reduces soil erosion.

    Fullname: Precious Leanellie Guerrero
    email: plu_g@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  3. The important to save the Mangroves is because Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems which are not only able to provide a range of valuable forest products, but also maintain estuarine water quality and play crucial roles in the life cycle of many commercially important species of fish and prawns.

    Full name: Russel T. Hernandez
    Email add: rhernandez@sbgfc.org.ph
    DIstance: 16K

  4. It is important to save mangroves because they are essential to fish production. They also serve as the sanctuary of both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife.

    Full Name: Christopher Y. Del Mundo
    Email add: cdelmundo@sbgfc.org.ph
    Distance: 16K

  5. It is important to save Mangroves because it provides nourishment, habitat and refuge to various species of fishes, crustaceans and other marine life whose grown ups replenish our marine ecosystem.

    Full Name: Fernando F. Sunga
    Email Add: fsunga30@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16K

  6. MANGROVES are highly productive forests growing along tropical tidal mudflats and along shallow water coastal areas extending inland along rivers, streams and their tributaries where the water is generally brackish.

    Mangroves has salt glands for high salinity of saltwater; It has specialized roots and breathing structures; seeds are viviparous; it has thick, waxy and succulent leaves to conserve water.

    Marie Charmaine Capili

  7. Mangroves play a vital role in protecting coral reefs and seagrasses from siltation and eutrophication. Mangroves also function as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming.Loss of mangroves will have a serious economic impact on both fisheries and coastal communities. In developing countries, mangroves have proven critical for saving human lives by their dampening of the wave heights and wind speeds during coastal storms. So let’s save it…by running in condura marathon!!!

    Anthony S. Pelera

  8. The mangroves are the playgrounds, safe grounds and birth place of numerous sea creatures, also they play a major role in the ocean ecosystem and thus saving the mangroves will bring a LOT of benefits to us humans as well as to our environment.

    Name: Rodrigo Pagdilao, Jr.
    Email: rodpagdilaojr@gmail.com
    Distance: 16K

  9. Believe it or not, I was not able to graduate on time during my college because of “mangroves”. I was not able to defend my thesis during its supposed length of study/research since I wanted to make sure that mangroves, really, contributes to the diversity of species in the ecology. I have to get back to the site again and again on foot or by a row boat to see it for myself.

    Gerda Summerian L. Cuestas

  10. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    I think we should save mangroves, because mangroves used for house building, furniture, transmission as well as telephone poles and certain household items. When these activities are managed appropriately it is possible to derive timber products from mangrove forests without significant environmental degradation, and while maintaining their value as a nursery and a source of food for commercial capture fisheries.

    Name:Karl Miguel Cruz
    Distance: 16km

  11. Mangroves, admittedly, are not only important but crucial for the coastal areas. Since estuarine areas are highly populated areas, the slightest ecological imbalance will take a heavy toll. They play a vital role in stabilizing these areas. No engineering and technological solutions can be sought for stabilizing these areas. Even if we negate all benefits of mangroves as forests, their value as “protector of shore-line” is enough to convince us for conserving them.

    Name: Maria Verzo
    Email: mriannev@yahoo.com
    distance: 16K

  12. We should save mangroves because it means life to some ocean creatures. It also balance our ecosystem.

    Shayne dela Cruz

  13. its important to save the mangroves to help our nature and to prevent soil erosion


  14. Mangroves are home to millions of organisms, for both sea and land creatures. Not to mention the free oxygen it produces everyday! It’s very important to conserve and protect whatever what’s left of our natural resources, not only for the future of humanity, but for the well being of the entire planet! Hooray for mangroves!!!

    Name: John Russel C. Alba
    Email: russel.alba@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10Km

  15. Run for Mangroves because, we all know how importance the Mangroves in our ecosystem, Mangroves serve as valuable nursery areas for fish and invertebrates and it support treatened and endangered species.. It is nice to join with this kind of event, your not just doin it for healthy life style but also for our environment sake, it just like giving “LIFE”…:)

    Mary Joanne Sapalasan

  16. Mangroves are critical spawning, nursery, feeding and transient shelter areas to hundreds of fish species, crustaceans and invertebrates and support an abundant and productive marine life.

    NAME: Edrick Nicdao
    EMAIL: ed3rick@gmail.com

  17. Mangroves have widespread and intricate roots that act as natural filters, trapping sediment and run off from the land, thus preventing or slowing erosion. The roots also serve as a breeding and feeding ground for fish.

    Name: Franz Wendell S. Valois

    Email: franz.valois@emerson.com

    Distance: 10k

  18. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    why do i think its important to save the mangroves?

    Mangroves provide many benefits to man and the marine environment.many people are aware of these mangrove benefits, few of us know about one of the most important contributions these trees make to marine ecology. That contribution is in the form of the leaf litter that falls from mangroves and is subsequently broken down by microorganisms to begin the first link in the food chain for a large segment of the tropical aquatic community, including most of our important commercial and sport fish species.

    other benefit of it are

    Source of cheap fuel
    Buffer against storms
    Habitat of various kinds of organisms
    Mangroves add beauty to the landscape
    Mangroves sequester carbon

    hope my entry will win more power to pinoy fitness see you on condura
    Full Name:Jonathan nava
    -> Distance: 10K

  19. the mangroves acts as our lifesupport against natural disasters. with global warming at a high,we need to do all we can to save our world. runnibng for the mangroves will ensure a better natural environment for us

    name: michael solis
    email: immortal_salagubang@yahoo.com

  20. the mangroves act as our lifesupport against natural disasters. with global warming at a high,we need to do all we can to save our world. runnibng for the mangroves will ensure a better natural environment for us

    name: michael solis
    email: immortal_Salagubang@yahoo.com
    distance: 16km

  21. Let’s run to save the mangroves because they serve as our protective barrier from nature’s wrath. They can save thousands of lives. Let’s do this for our children and the coming generations.

    Name : Michael Bryan Esquivel
    Email : p3ckstar@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5k

  22. Mangroves also serve as protection against soil erosion. “Mangroves function as the goalkeepers of nutrients and sediments from the land,” WRI’s Dr. Burke said. “They stabilize sediments facilitating coral reef development in areas that might otherwise have too much silt for coral growth.”

    Aside from that, it is important to save Mangroves because it provides nourishment, habitat and refuge to various species of fishes, crustaceans and other marine life whose grown ups replenish our marine ecosystem.

    Name: Rona Rachel Juat
    Email: anor.lechar@hotmail.com
    Distance: 5k

  23. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    It is important that we look after these areas and protect them. Not only because they are vital to the continued health of many of our fish stocks but also because we have a moral and social responsibility to look after our environment and to leave it in a healthy condition for future generations.

    Full Name: engels precillas
    Email: engelz_17@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5k

  24. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    It is important that we look after these areas and protect them. Not only because they are vital to the continued health of many of our fish stocks but also because we have a moral and social responsibility to look after our environment and to leave it in a healthy condition for future generations.

    Full Name: engels precillas
    Email: engelz_17@yahoo.com
    Distance: 5k

  25. it is important to save and protect the mangroves because it is essential part of the water ecosystem. It provides home and food to fishes which are essential to humans.

    Name: Cristobal dela Cruz
    Email: crisdcruz@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16K

  26. Mangroves not only help in preventing soil erosion but also act as a catalyst in reclaiming land from seas. This is a very unique phenomenon, since there is a general tendency of water to engulf land.

    Full Name: Edward N. Querras
    Email: edward.querras@ncogroup.com
    Distance: 16K

  27. It’s important to save the mangroves because it is an essential part of the ecosystem. Mangroves prevents soil erosion and it acts as a habitat for animals and marine species.

    Full Name: Bernard Dale Dy
    E-mail: bdy16@yahoo.com
    Distance: 10k

  28. it is important to save Mangroves because it preserve water quality and reduce pollution by filtering suspended material and assimilating dissolved nutrients. also it create breeding habitat for animals

    Name : russell david
    Email : rusz_08@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16k

  29. wow. dami entries. nice.

    so impt to save the mangroves because they serve as breeding ground for fishes, they provide shelter to some animals, they prevent soil erosion, they are a good source of oxygen :o)

    gerome anivado

  30. Because Mangrove support a wealth of life, from starfish to people, and may be more important to the health of the planet than we ever realized.

    Full Name: Rhozallino Chua Ramones
    Email: senomarj@gmail.com
    Distance: 5K

  31. it is very important to save the mangroves because mangroves is one of the big factor to save our natural resource, to protect our coral reefs and it will serve as a buffer against winds and waves. let’s save mangroves and save our mother earth..

    Jay francis Estallo

  32. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?
    why do i think its important to save the mangroves?

    mangroves serves as many purpose its protection and stabilization of lowlying coastal lands and its importance in estuarine and coastal fishery food chains,special habitat,wace buffering ,flood control,carbon fixation and Many animals find shelter either in the roots or branches of mangroves. Mangroves serve as rookeries, or nesting areas, for beautiful coastal birds such as brown pelicans and roseate spoonbills

    Maria Romella Fernandez

  33. Mangroves are part of the natural heritage we should pass on for succeeding generations to appreciate, just as we endeavor to save our environment now for future generations.

    Eric Bergara

  34. Mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. It also serves as valuable nursery areas for shrimp, crustaceans, mollusks, and fishes. It is also a a renewable resource.
    Full Name: Jessie A. Reyes
    Email: jonjon0115@gmail.com
    Distance: 5K

  35. Mangroves helps our land in sustaining itself and also helps prevent landslides and can moderate tsunami in coastal areas.. They serve as our protection from calamities.

    Name:Darwell T. Oliverio
    distance: 16k

  36. This Benefit Run dubbed as “Condura Skyway Marathon: Run for the Mangroves” will definitely provide better living in the society. Mangroves contribute to the sustainability of the environment and the protection of people dwelling on it. Let’s run and help our surroundings heal.

    Full Name: Aldrin Aberion
    E-mail: aldrinaberion@gmail.com
    Distance: 5K

  37. We need to save the mangroves because they protect the coastline and prevent erosion by collecting sediment from the rivers and streams and slowing down the flow of water.

    name: odily s. cacho
    email: odilyscacho@yahoo.com
    distance: 5k

  38. It is very important to save mangroves beacuse they play a very important role in our ecosystem. Not only they serve as homes for different marine species, but they also protect us from various water disasters such as floods which is very common in our country.

    Paul T. Ablaza

  39. It is important to save the mangroves because they can be utilized as a renewable resource. We can use its leaves as tea, medicine, livestock feed, etc.

    Mangroves can also be a good place for bees to have their hives built because of its richness in honey

    Name: Nicole Angelo M. Parocha
    Email: lionheart_1411@yahoo.com
    Distance 16k

  40. A thick patch of trees or cluster of trees is known as mangroves , mangroves are useful in many ways, such as they
    1. Taking in CO2 and releasing oxygen;
    2.Releasing carbon and mineral elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus (important in plant growth) as they decay;
    3.Absorbing moisture for growth and releasing it as vapor through transpiration
    4.Preventing erosion by reducing the force of rainfall at the soil surface and by intercepting and absorbing water, rather than allowing it to run off directly;
    5.Harboring a diversity of wildlife;
    6.Acting as windbreaks;
    7.Providing us with shade and beauty on a largely agricultural and urban landscape

    Full Name:Oliver T. Gutierrez
    Email: vherbrand@yahoo.com.ph

  41. Mangroves are an important part of our ecosystem. They offer a home and provide food for small fishes, protect the people living near the coastlines from strong winds, typhoons and floods, and protect the coastlines from erosion, among others.

    Zhayne Chong Soriano

  42. Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    It is important to save the Mangroves because of the following:
    •It acts to purify the water from human wastes and pollutants.
    •Provides habitat for many different species of animals.
    •Basis of a complex marine food chain.
    •Creation of breeding habitat.
    •Establishment of restrictive impounds that offer protection for maturing offspring.
    •Filtering and assimilating pollutants from upland run-off.
    •Stabilization of bottom sediments.
    •Water quality improvements.
    •Protection of shorelines from erosion.

    Full Name: Jessica Mae D. Gobenciong
    Email: jessicagobenciong@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16K

  43. Condura Race Kit Giveaway PROMO

    Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

    Mangrove forests are the breeding and nursery for a number of marine life such as shrimps, crabs and fishes. The loss of mangroves will affect directly the economy through loss of fishing industry.

    Dexter C. Villa
    -> Email dextercvilla@gmail.com
    -> Distance: 3km


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