Time to get ready for Condura Marathon 2012!

condura marathon 2012 promo

With less than 3 weeks left before this years’ Condura Skyway Marathon 2012, I’m quite sure that everyone is in their last phases of training. Last year we ran for the Dolphin’s, this year I’m sure there will again be thousands who will run for the Mangroves.

Why Run for the Mangroves? -> Click Here

This year I am also proud to announce that Pinoy Fitness is one of the official online media partners of Condura Skyway Marathon, aside from supporting this event thru online and social media, we’ll also be on-site on February 5 to support fellow Pinoy Fitness Runners who will be running in this event, we’ll have a booth on-site where supporters may gather and get to know each other. PF Tech Shirt and the most awaited PF Singlet will also be available onsite!

So for those who still haven’t registered for this run, Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 registration is still ongoing until January 29, 2012, we really want to see you there!

For more information about the event visit – > https://www.conduraskywaymarathon.com


For First Time Marathoners, Time to get Ready! You might want to read our 42K Do’s and Don’ts before the race.

Condura Race Kit Giveaway PROMO:
As one of the official Online Media Partners, we are also giving away 5 Condura Skyway Marathon Race Kits!

1. You must be a follower of Pinoy Fitness! (Follow US now!)
-> https://www.facebook.com/pinoyfitness
-> https://www.twitter.com/pinoyfitness

2. Leave a comment in the blog and Answer the following question:
-> Why do you think it’s important to save the Mangroves?

3. Leave your Full Name and Email address and Distance (we will this to contact you)
-> Full Name: (As seen on your valid ID)
-> Email: (multiple email submissions are not allowed)
-> Distance: (3K to 16K only)

4. Share and Tweet: (On your Personal Facebook/Twitter)
-> “WIN Condura Skyway Marathon 2012 Race Kits from Pinoy Fitness! – https://wp.me/pQctC-3pU @pinoyfitness

5. Winners will be selected via Random pick.

Promo will end until January 22 at 11:59PM.


  1. Mangrove forests and estuaries are the breeding and nursery grounds for a number of marine organisms including the commercially important shrimp, crab and fish species. Hence, loss of mangroves not only affects us indirectly but there are direct economic repercussions through loss of fishing industry.

    Ana Carina Platon

  2. Mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land.

    Janus Myrrh Baldomero

  3. Mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land.

    Janus Myrrh Baldomero

  4. Mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves, and floods. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land.

    Nestor O. Mijares, Jr.

  5. It is important to save mangroves since if there are no mangrove forests, then there will have no meaning. It is like having a tree with no roots, for the mangroves are the roots of the sea.

    Quino S. Ramos

  6. It is important to save the mangroves because they are important to all of us as we depend on them in one way or another. Mangroves are important to biodiversity in general.

    Full Name: Ruby Buccat
    Email: rrbuccat@gmail.com
    Distance: 3K

  7. Mangroves act to purify the water from human wastes and pollutants, and in doing so, coral reefs are less effected. An essential component of the island ecosystem, mangroves provide structure to the island, while preventing erosion. The coastline is protected because the roots of mangroves act to trap sediments that would otherwise be washed back out by the waves. Moreover, mangroves provide a habitat for many different species of animals, including bats, lobsters, manatees, and birds. The roots and branches of mangroves provide an ideal site for animals to feed, mate, and give birth. A symbiotic relationship exists between many animals and the mangrove; for example, crabs feeds on the mangrove leaves, as well as other nutrients and then recycle minerals into the mangrove forest.

    Brandon Sibbaluca

  8. Mangroves have a very important role in our environment and in our daily lives.Those are homes of thousands of species of fish and animals. It also release a maximum amount of oxygen. If all of these were gone, one important link of our mother earth will be in danger and so all of us will might suffer

    Full name: Jarred Que

  9. It is important to protect the mangroves.
    In General, because everything in this diverse world matters, even the little things. They affect us one way or the other.
    They act as buffer zone between the land and the sea. They protects the land against erosion, which is important for us runners.
    Lastly, they also provide opportunities for education, scientific research and eco tourism #itsmorefuninthephilippines

    Full Name: Crisente Manio Jr.
    Email: crisentejr@yahoo.com
    Distance: 16K

    • Winners of the 5 Race KITS! Congratulations!

      Entry – 68
      Mangroves play an invaluable role as nature’s shield against cyclones, ecological disasters and as protector of shorelines.

      Full Name: charles darwin villanueva
      Email: cdcv1111@yahoo.com
      Distance: 16K

      Entry – 16
      Mangrove is plays an important role in balancing our ecosystem kaya tara takbo na… save our magrove…

      Full Name: Bernadez Mingala
      email add: enadh2000@yahoo.com
      Distance: 3k

      Entry – 3
      it’s important that we save the mangrove because Mangroves are buffers between the land and sea and hence they protect the land from erosion.

      Full Name: Rona Dizon
      Email: dizonrona@yahoo.com
      Distance: 16K

      Entry – 93
      It is important to save the Mangroves because they provide shelter to different living organisms particularly those belonging to the marine ecosystem and also help prevent erosion brought by storms. Overall, they help in maintaining and sustaining the balance in our ecosystems.

      Carlos Adrian T. Licmoan

      Entry – 191
      Mangroves are important as a protection to the environment. They protect shorelines from erosion and they contribute to higher water quality. They also provide water-resistant wood used in construction and medicines.

      Catherine Estiaga


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