Livestrong Day Run/Race Philippines – October 2, 2011


Let’s Run and Bike together this coming October 2, 2011 at the Livestrong Day Philippines 2011 happening in Bonifacio Global City.

Livestrong Day Philippines 2011
October 2, 2011
Bonifacio Global City
Run – 3K / 5K / 10K
Bike – 30K Race, 20K Critical Mass Ride

Registration Fees:
Run – PHP 700 (Singlet)
Race – PHP 1,000 (Jersey)
Ride – PHP 900 (Jersey)

Run and Race:
Singlet – PHP 800
Jersey – PHP 1,000
Singlet and Jersey – PHP 1,300

Run and Ride:
Singlet – PHP 700
Jersey – PHP 900
Singlet and Jersey – PHP 1,200


Race and Ride:
Jersey PHP 1,000

Submission of payment registration forms, as well as pick up for jerseys and singlets scheduled for the weekends of SEPTEMBER 17/18 and 24/25 at ARTS in the CITY at BGC.

Registration Venues:
Online ->

Livestrong Day Philippines 2011 – Singlet Design:


Livestrong Day Philippines 2011 – Race Maps:


For More Information:
Call 7030287, 09208269168
Visit ->


  1. Hi Ric, pls disregard my last comment. I emailed you already. hope you will reply with bank details. looking forward to this event! thank you.

  2. Do the race have RFid Tag or any tracking device? How can the race time of the runners/bikers can be tracked on the race? Thanks.
    -Pugak Riders

  3. 4:30am guntime ng 10k run then 6am ung bike race… it means meron lang 1.5 hours ang mga 10k runners to finish. shocks…

  4. yes. for 10k runners

    storm will pass today, past Philippine area by late afternoon.

    Sunday morning, its 400 kms outside of baguio

    XS singlet all gone,
    XS road cut 25 to arrive today hopefully

  5. @Ric_Berg… since this is a rain or shine event tomorrow as you announced (despite storm signal given by pag-asa) hope that your sponsors, marshals and other partners (that will provide hydration/portalet etc.) will be there together with the runners…

    don’t want to end up reading lines like “due to heavy rains our sponsors didn’t make it… our apology for the inconvenience this brought you” or “for the safety of the runners we decided to……”

    just giving my two cents based on my past experience in runs that push through during a bad weather condition….

  6. any news from the organizer whether this will push through or not…….. or any contact number that we can call to verify things?

  7. it will push through, typhoon has passed the country.

    we have the water stations ready, our sponsors will be there rain or shine;

    our marshals are ready.

    we are all praying for the weather to be on our side.

    if ever the road is still wet, we may fold the road bike race for safety reasons, as road bikes’ thin tires tend to slip in watery roads.

    but if you runners are waterproof, meaning, brave enough to face a little rain blessing, our bikers are surely be there.

    we will be there and we will have a great day.

  8. lets hope and pray that the weather will lighten a bit, will test the k swiss kwicky blade light if it is indeed waterproof, see you there

  9. PAGASA still expects heavy rains brought by the monsoon tomorrow, just hope the organisers don’t sacrifice the safety of the runners just so the event pushes through.

  10. IT WAS FUN!

    Me and my friend finish the 5k Run and 20k Critical Mass Ride!

    Where can we see the pictures of the event. Though in the 5k run there is only one hydration system. But the Critical Mass Ride is GREAT!!!!

  11. I had fun with this run with my boyfriend! SEE YOU ON THE NEXT EVENT!


  12. We still have jerseys left, for those who wish to have souvenirs of the event – the short sleeves version (non-gartered waist) with the cell phone zippered pockets at the sides, for P900 each.


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