frontRUNNER’s The Valley Trail Challenge 2011 – Race Results

[ad#square-middle]Frontrunner's trail challenge 2011 results and photos

Congratulations to all who conquered the frontRUNNER’s The Valley Trail Challenge that happened on June 18, 2011. Here are the race results for download.

Download Race Results Here:
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[download id=”508″]

Feel free to share your comments and feedback about this event here! and don’t forget to join the Pinoy Fitness Community.

Here is also a message from Jonel Mendoza

The day of the killer Elvis
by Jonel C Mendoza


When i first set foot on the nuvali trails, i immediately fell in love with it, the views, the sounds and everything. so simple yet so immensely captivating to all the senses. as a runner, i felt it would be too selfish of me not to share the wonders of nuvali with the community of runners. thus, the FIRST valley trail challenge was born.

Short of big-name branding and sponsors, this did not deter frontRUNNER Magazine from holding the event. yesterday’s run may have not been perfect in some ways and i apologize for that and will learn from it. but the message that a “no frills, all thrills” race was delivered to all, that a race does not need to have the klieglights, celebrities, techie things and fancy stuff to be enjoyed by all.

Yesterday, June 18, a new breed of runners was born, by choice.

But more than anything else, i would like to thank all participants who joined the event. congratulations to all who finished and to those who dnf’ed, welcome to the club, live to run another race. there is no shame in doing so. you have learned your lessons and i hope you learn well. you made history by running a course that has never been raced on by foot nor cycled on before.

For the trail and ultra virgins no more, thank you for giving me the pleasure of devirginizing you.

There is nothing more gratifying than to get messages of appreciation from fellow runners at the end of a race even though pain and discomfort was written all over their faces. for this, i am eternally thankful.

We could not have pulled this one out without the help of these supporters. thank you to NUVALI (my mistah, nuvali head honcho jun bisnar, kristine, dexter and ruel-for patiently going around the course with me on 3 different occasions- and all the other nameless faces) and all my friends especially Lester Jerome Chuayap for taking care of the aid station supplies and of course, for agreeing that the route was indeed a good one when we first set foot on it. to diana lyn velasco (nature valley), run for change, rox, nathan hydration(Mariel Flores), soleus, bachus, a runner’s circle-manila, manila water, figaro (Jael Wenceslao), silog express(patrick concepcion), mitch estuar and renan morales, reebok, salonpas, milo 3 in one, pocari sweat. and to sir jovie, for planting the ultra seed in my mind. now, i am doing my best to help spread the addiction.

Words will not be enough but once again, let me thank you guys from the bottom of my heart and soles for taking on the valley trail challenge head-on and trusting frontRUNNER magazine.

I hope you found the LV’s to your liking. those are triple class A!

You are indeed one of my kind and i am proud to be running in your company. thank you for your hardcore support.cheers!


  1. best race so far, imagine 28.5k of trail wow! the experince is so good, i’ll never forget this one, congrats to jonel and the rest of frontrunners magazine, c u on the road!

  2. very challenging race! unlike an ordinary road race, one must use his mental faculty while running, lest he gets lost. congrats to frontrunner magazine, and hope for more “no frills, no thrills” adventures!

    love the medals too, very unique.

  3. Sir Jonel,

    Thanks for the awesome experience..great view of nature and love the sound of the birds along the trail..and the freebie miles..50 + 7. Congrats to everyone especially those fellow 57km runners. This is indeed an frills, all thrills running experience.

  4. I’ve running for almost 10 years now and it’s my first Ultra trail marathon. Very challenging and indeed no fancy,just you and the mountain trails. Keep it up frontrunner!!!!!

  5. thanks jonel for the great trail run, our friends and i really enjoyed it, views of mountains everything on it. were looking forward for the next ultra marathon. – congrats and God bless. – from Lakan tri team.


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