Greentennial Half Marathon 2011- Result Discussions and Photos

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Congratulations to those who participated and conquered the Greentennial Half-Marathon that happened on May 22, 2011. Race Results and Photo Links will be available here once the organizers released them.

View Online Race Results:
Greentennial Half-Marathon 2011- Online Race Results

Photo Links:
Greentennial Half Marathon 2011 Photos – Volunteers via

For now please feel free to share your comments and feedback about this event here. Let’s have a healthy discussion



  2. Pictures being uploaded at greentennial run facebook since sunday May22. You may start tagging away.

    See you all in our upcoming run events.
    Thank you very much for all the support.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful great run, looking forward for another run in Aseana City. I know its the first time to use this route and need some adjustment on the second event.

    Overall – The Aseana City staff and the organizer done a great job. Thumbs up for you guys.

  4. @Greentennial Run- js is right, puro old pics pa po un 3months ago pa..we’re looking for greentennial half marathon pix, and btw greentennial fb page got deactivated..pix pix pix please =)

  5. @ms mars if there will be practice runs, kindly advertise over at greentennial’s fb page para makasali ang mga interesado, like me.. thank u..

  6. @ Miel, I think we can pratice at the long wide road in Aseana City as per invite of alvin. Its a good place for practice.

  7. Yes please Greentennial, paki-public lahat ng pictures niyo from your Greentennial account, para makita namin na hindi kasama sa friends list niyo :) Thanks

    Saka the other Greentennial FB Public Page niyo is gone.

  8. @Miel
    thanks for your msg. yups, interested in making practice runs there over at Aseana since Alvin can also assist us with the scheduling and all.
    sure, will try to post over at G’tenials FB and here at the forum. welcome aboard!
    do send me your cp to my email – – so we can stay in touch, Miel…
    what distance did you do last Sunday? improved PR?

  9. @Suplado
    yups i agree! Alvin of Aseana has extended to us a very inviting note to also practice run at their territory.
    why not? its just a matter of scheduling it so you and the others can also make it and we would be chanting like the PNP guys too! ;)

  10. @Suplado
    i dont mind, not a prob with me on the coordination. hope we can all get a common schedule…i believe for now Saturday mornings is an ideal time for most of us right?

  11. @Journey to Life
    thanks for the link, but link posted featured pics of the former runs of Greentenial.
    pls be vigilant that the next pics and album you’ll see will be under HALF Marathon G’tenial albums…

  12. Hmmm, I am sure of the link.I just tagged a photo of my running buddy in one of the albums there.

    I have seen several albums of the Greentennial Half Marathon from several photogs and been scrolling for my lucky shot but none so far :-)

  13. I can also see the Greentennial HM pics :) Before the HM pics are the Run for Japan pictures.

    Hmmm. For those who can’t see the other pics, is “Greentennial Run” in your friends list? One possible thing that may have happened is that the HM pics are open to “Friends only” while the others are for public viewing.

  14. the race was really good.
    1 thing…
    the photographers are late so they didn’t captured anything 21k runners on action (only a few) ang mga photographers din ang unang umalis… late n nga.

  15. browsing thru the many great run and jump shot snaps of the volunteer event photogs from the Greentenial Half Marathon album…
    vERy NiCe and SupER CooL ! ;)

  16. paging @Greentennial Run: pls make ur fb page public! i’m 1 of the thousands who cant access our aseana pix.

    fyi for those who want aseana their new venue for running practice: a day or 2 b4 the event, me & my hubby went there 4 onsite practice. there was a guard there who told us its a private property, still under construction, and for now, not even joggers are allowed to enter. dont know if after the event, it was changed.

  17. @desperateddaugther I think they will already give us permission to use the said road since Alvin from the Aseana City send an invite for us to run, probably is we give them advance notice if were going to run inside the Aseana City.

    @alvin, hope ur invite is good for us runner to use the road as practice venue. Thanks

  18. I have greentenial run as a friend but I still can’t see any pics from the HM. are there any other site that we can visit to view other photos from the HM volunteer photogs?

  19. Hey guys!
    First time to run in a Greentenial event but I can I say that I was more than satisfied with the outcome of the race.
    Great job for the organizers, volunteers and marshalls! Thanks for giving us a good race at a cheaper price but the compromising the “essentials”. Kudos too for the hosts for keeping up the energy despite the heat of the sun and the audience nearly not listening to them. And by the way, the 2 female hosts are gorgeous—added reason to run fast to see them on stage. Congratulations Greentenial.

  20. @Bingski
    thanks again for sending me my GreenTenial ActiveMoment photo link! it was spectacular! hehe, parang fireworks!

    see u tomorrow Sat morning for our practice run with Jared, okies?

  21. @C21
    thought the jump shot i did would not register in the photogs camera, but it did!
    with your pic, my friend, im sure you also have, if not solo, yung either nsa side ka or background…
    tyagaan in searching, wohoo!

  22. Yes please Greentennial, paki-public lahat ng pictures niyo from your Greentennial account, para makita namin na hindi kasama sa friends list niyo :) Thanks

    Saka the other Greentennial FB Public Page niyo is gone.

  23. i like that gandalf guy..super lakas pa nauuna lang ako dun ng 5mins hindi pa nahagip ng camera :( nxt tym babawi hehehe

  24. @ms mars, suplado ako, bingskie.

    just email me the number of runners for the practice runs, details as to who has cars and date when the practice run will take place. ill do the arrangements.

  25. @ SuPLaDo_aKo: ‘di ko na ma-recall eh…but he was wearing white. anyway, that’s water under the bridge na. ‘di ko lang maintindihan kung bakit nya ginawa yun and why he picked on someone smaller than him

  26. @alvin
    hi there? musta? @Suplado relayed to me your msg about our interest in also having our practice runs over there at Aseana…
    thanks in advance for making the arrangements…will stay in touch!

  27. para sa akin barely passed ang grade na ibibigay ko dito sa run na ito…why?

    1. ganda ni ms. michelle estuar :)
    2. bago ang route
    3. well hydrated and runners
    4. may freebies kahit papaano
    5. ok mga marshalls – safe naman tumakbo

    1. singlet – itim at green. itim? e di ang init
    2. medyo late nag start (tapos itim pa singlet e di ang init)
    3. medal – sira agad
    4. walang route markers – kung wala ka GPS watch, ‘di mo alam ilang kilometers na natakbo mo (buti na lang meron kami)
    5. maraming lumiko sa may mcdo. kala dun na yung end (wala nga kasing markers)
    6. magulo at masikip sa may finish line
    7. ang gulo ng pictures – tapos yung iba, ‘di nakuhaan
    8. ganda ni ms. michelle estuar – nawala kami sa focus

    there you go…


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