TheraRUN! a ChildFind’s 1st Family Fun Run | Sponsorship

[ad#square-middle]theraRUN 2010

TheraRUN! a ChildFind’s 1st Family Fun Run is looking for sponsorships to help support this Run for a Cause. For those interested to sponsoring this event, here’s how…

Warm greetings!

The ChildFind Learning and Therapy Center is a private education sector that caters to the needs of children with special needs. At present, we have around 120 students receiving services such as Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Behavior Coaching, and Shadow Teaching in Inclusion Classrooms.

We believe that these children need all the help and support they can get from their family, teachers, peers, and environment to develop holistically and achieve their maximum potential. One of our advocacies is to aim for normalization – a process of providing youth with special needs the opportunities given their normal counterparts to develop independence and participate in the benefits of their community. We also believe that running, jogging and other forms of physical activities are therapeutic.
With this, we are holding a 2-kilometer family fun run on December 11, 2010 at the Quezon Memorial Circle with the theme: “TheraRUN! – ChildFind’s 1st Family Fun Run”. We are expecting around 250 participants (students, their siblings, parents, and teachers) to join us in this event. However, we will need your financial support for this event in order to be successful.
Should you have any questions, concerns or favorable requests, please do not hesitate to call our office with contact numbers  02-9112015 / 0926-6563890 or the Activity Coordinator, Teacher Edwin Taleon at 02-4343742 / 0915-9005539.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dra. Benjamina Pereyra
ChildFind Therapy and Learning Center


Major Sponsor (P 6,000.00)

Primary Billing of Company Name/Logo
Company Name/Logo printed on Singlet
Three (3) Venue Signage of Company Streamer size (5’ x 8’)
On-site Booth Space
Documentation Copy
Distribution of company products and promotional materials during the event
Company Name Acknowledgement on the day of the event (before, during, & after)

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Minor Sponsor (P 4,000.00)

Secondary Billing of Company Name/Logo
Two (2) Venue Signage of Company Streamer size (4’ x 6’)
Documentation Copy
Company Name Acknowledgement on the day of the event (before, during, & after)

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Donor (P 2,000.00)

One (1) Venue Signage of Company Streamer size (2’ x 4’)
Company Name Acknowledgement on the day of the event (before, during, & after)

Download TheraRUN! PPT Presentation Here:

[download id=”333″]



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