Men’s Health Coach bookazine in November 2010 | Philippines


Get all your fitness questions answered and maximize your workout with this new bookazine by Men’s Health called Men’s Health Coach, which features fitness information in a question and answer format, to help you lose weight, improve endurance, build strength and get those rock-hard abs!

Every issue of Men’s Health gives you the best tips and advice on how to get the body you want to make the most of life. This November, Men’s Health kicks it up a notch with the release of Men’s Health Coach, a bookazine with all the information you’ll need to lose weight, improve endurance, build strength and get rock-hard abs!

Men’s Health editor-in-chief Agu Paiso says, “MH Coach contains the most frequently asked questions about fitness, weight-loss, sports nutrition, and training. It’s basically every man’s handy handbook to getting fit.” Men’s Health Coach presents information in a question and answer format, giving you “loads of useful tips that are not just easy to remember but easy to do as well,” Paiso says.

Men’s Health Coach also has a free exercise DVD containing a step-by-step demonstration of six different 15-minute workouts to guide you in executing them in the proper form. Whether your goal is to have a V-shaped body, strengthen your core, or be more explosive in your sport, Men’s Health Coach has you covered.

Men’s Health Coach will be available in newsstands, bookstores and supermarkets nationwide in November 2010. For more information about Men’s Health Philippines and Men’s Health Coach, visit or add us on Facebook, and on Twitter via




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