Adidas King of the Road (KOTR) 2010 – Race Map


Here are the race maps for one of the most anticipated running event of the year. The Adidas King of the Road (KOTR) 2010!

For Singlet Design and Registration Details for KOTR 2010: Click Here


  1. the 5k and 10k routes are the usual ones that we see. nothing new here. the 21k seems interesting. haven’t seen this, well at least from the races that ive joined. concern is the partial road closure on buendia. i know this is one of the main arteries in the makati area. hope i won’t be breathing in carbon monoxide

  2. Any mention about elevation tracks for the 21k race course? I asked my cousin to register on my behalf so I have no clue about the elevation tracks, but it's good to know about that. Thanks.



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